Warm Wallet
Using proprietary technology, we have developed a multi-signature Warm Wallet. This is a cross between a Cold Wallet – which has no ability to automate the transfer of coins – and a Hot Wallet – which has no restrictions on it. This technology allows us to execute strategies in a safe environment, where nobody except the Client has access to their coins. It runs as a complete self-contained system running on a dedicated server. There is no remote access to the server, all changes to the software have to be done on site by physically accessing it. This ensures nobody, including SPOT, oversight teams and developers have no access to Clients’ wallets. The key security point of the Warm Wallet technology is a hard-coded limitation to the withdrawal process, which only allows coins to be transferred to the respective Clients’ platform wallet and from there only to wallets, from which the coins originated. This provides all of our Clients’ with almost absolute security even if their passwords are somehow obtained by a third party. Every external wallet is processed manually by SPOT and in case of any suspicious activity the Client is always the first to know about it.
System security
The entire system was designed and developed by a FCA regulated entity in the UK. The core philosophy was maximum security and complete separation of all teams, including SPOT, from Client and portfolio coins. All possible transactions within the system were completely automated with no possibility of manual interference from any party except the Client. The server itself is located in the Equinix Data Centre behind multiple layers of security including biometric scans and 24/7 surveillance. The same data centre is utilized by multiple respected entities like the London Stock Exchange and others. There is only one person allowed into the server room chosen by the FCA regulated company which designed the system. They are independent of SPOT and their every move is tracked by the dev team and security cameras at all times.
Portfolio drawdown security
Every portfolio has an in-built system managing the maximum drawdown. If a loss exceeding 25% of the portfolio value occurs, the system automatically starts selling all coins and purchasing tether coins like USDT. Tether coins are linked to their respective fiat currencies, which makes them a safe haven if the entire market is in the decline. From that point our proprietary assessment system analyzes the portfolio results in real time and once the profit would have reached 5% it starts selling USDT and purchasing coins to achieve the original portfolio setup. This system allows us to make profits even during bearish market periods and ensures Client coins are kept in a safe environment, where maximum loss is quantified. The drawdown system is completely autonomous, requires no human intervention (or decision) and controls all portfolios simultanously. This means it can’t be overriden by neither our staff nor any of the oversight teams.
Risk management is our target
Every product was developed with tight risk management in mind. We ensured every team countered their strategies with proper measures to ensure your coins remain in a safe environment. Some portfolios might move their funds to USDT gradually over a monthly period limiting the amount of coins available to the system, some are forced to counter their coin purchases with other, uncorrelated coins. On top of all those measures stands the drawdown security system applied to all portfolios at the same 25% level.
Your coins belong to you
SPOT doesn’t transfer your coins outside any wallet you transferred them to. We don’t have access to your platform wallet either – when you create your account the wallet is generated automatically and your wallet password is encrypted using your platform password to ensure you are the only person, who has access to your coins.
Staying one step ahead
The crypto universe is ever changing and expanding. The explosion of alt coins and thousands of new projects means new opportunities lurking around every corner. Our developer team is constantly following the news and trends ensuring our security systems remain among the best available on the market at all times.
»Quality is not an act, it is a habit«
(By: Aristotel)
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